Focal Point

Phone (61) 02-9899-6606

Business Analysis


In order to deliver our product without compromise, it becomes a pre-requisite that the designated project manager carries out a full Business Analysis (BA). This identifies what the MAJIK Enterprise solution will bring to your organisation and outlines any areas of concern. Current practices and workflows are discussed in detail to outline the company's main objectives and to plan the initial set up of the software with a view to continuous fine-tuning. The Project Manager will discuss all existing processes with the department heads and agree a prioritised list of respective responsibilities. This will then form the benchmark of what is to be implemented, in what order and at what time.

A detailed document is prepared to illustrate and record the specifications and related decisions regarding your future business practices and workflows to measure the implementation process. The project will not start until both companies have signed off on this and the implementation will then be completed to a defined time frame and at an agreed fixed price which forms part of this BA “sign off”.